People Pleaser

Yes, you are kind and respectful to others. Yes, you care about their feeling. Yes, you try to make them happy with your efforts. There is nothing bad in it. . But what if your this habit becomes obsession. And that destroys your own self-esteem and mental health. Starting from frustration, to feeling helpless in expressing on thoughts and opinion. It all happens when you ignore your own happiness for people. Be kind always to people but not at cost of your own self-esteem. Set boundaries and stick to them, that's a fair deal. Moreover, you don't need to prove your worthiness to every person. We can't satisfy all of them. So it's good to set the boundaries and never drop the head.

Think in the blanks !

Sometimes, you may be ask yourself, “What would be my answer for this question?” But it can be hard to think of these things on the spot. Here are some questions and prompts you can keep in your back pocket for the next time you’re asked.So, no more straining your mind trying to think of something to say about yourself. 

No need to write, just think. It may take 2 minutes only😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

1.The thing I love most about me is my ________😊

2.I’m practically addicted to _________😐

3.The famous person who inspires me most is _____________😍

4.The most embarrassing thing ever happen to me was ____________😭

5.The achievement I am most proud of is __________

6.I am ready to live rest of my life eating ____________ food item onlyπŸ˜›

7.The best advice I ever received was ____________πŸ‘€

8.If I had 1 hour to live, I’d spend it _________😎

9.My first thought when I wake up in the morning is normally _________πŸ’ž

10.If I could live in any other era of history, it would be ________ because ________❤

11.My worst habit is __________πŸ‘Ή

12.I have known my best friend for ________ yearsπŸ‘«

13.My friends would describe me as _________😁

14.My friends and I most often talk about __________πŸ’¬

15.The first job I  wanted when I was a little kid __________πŸ‘§

16.My dream job is _________πŸ’ͺ

17.If I had my time at school again, I’d _________πŸ‘Œ

18.The hobby that I could never give up is ____________πŸ˜€

19.My biggest (non-serious fear) is ____________πŸ‘»

20. My favorite season is ______ because _______πŸ˜„

21.The thing I find most attractive in a person is __________😍

22.I hate the smell of _________😀

23. People with ______________ [behavior or trait]really annoy me😧

24.The word that most irritates me is _________πŸ‘Ή

25.The most stressful thing for me is _________😑

26.The most amazing place I’ve ever been is _______ because  _______πŸ’–

27.My fondest childhood family memory is _________πŸ‘§

28.My favorite subject at school was ________πŸ‘

29.Your last meal on Earth would be ___________😜

30.The trip you most want to take, but haven’t yet is ___________😍 

31.My favorite word is _______πŸ’“

32.The most unusual/severe illness I’ve ever had ____________πŸ˜₯

Solicitation: Dear readers, your feedback is necessary for us to improve. Looking forward for your valuable comments and feedback.😍😍


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