People Pleaser

Yes, you are kind and respectful to others. Yes, you care about their feeling. Yes, you try to make them happy with your efforts. There is nothing bad in it. . But what if your this habit becomes obsession. And that destroys your own self-esteem and mental health. Starting from frustration, to feeling helpless in expressing on thoughts and opinion. It all happens when you ignore your own happiness for people. Be kind always to people but not at cost of your own self-esteem. Set boundaries and stick to them, that's a fair deal. Moreover, you don't need to prove your worthiness to every person. We can't satisfy all of them. So it's good to set the boundaries and never drop the head.

Types of lockdown people; we all(mostly) changed !

While the last few months have certainly been a challenge, we have all done our best to fill time and stay cheerful in any way we can. Throughout the time in lockdown, many of us have chosen to discover and nurture new hobbies. Others have chosen to let loose, and make the most of this free relaxation time. There are, apparently, a few who have (somehow) managed to actually be productive and catch up on work, but I think that one might be an urban myth. What is certain, however, is that whether we like it or not, all of us have turned into one or more of the following people at some point during our time in lockdown.

Lets check out types of lockdown people !!!!!!

1. “Coronavirus conspiracy theory revealed!” - The WhatsApp forwarder πŸ‘€

It stopped being funny in 2012! Fake news is genuinely a massive problem across countries and is attempting to not only poison public discourse, but entirely take over our moral compass. With people being lynched over false WhatsApp rumors, to riots being organized, there is no end to the vitriol available online. At a time when we need to calculate every move of ours, false information about Covid-19 is a threat that can actually endanger thousands of lives. Please don’t be the person who forwards WhatsApp messages every 0.1 seconds -- you will be blocked! 

2. “Will 20 packets be enough for a week?” - The panic buyer😠

Perhaps not as dangerous as propagators of fake news, but the hoarders amongst us are also pretty concerning! At a time when the supply of essential goods is being closely monitored and accounted for, panic buying can disrupt supply chains. We only hope that people are more sensible and realize that there is actually no need to maintain a military-style stockpile of essential goods.

3. “The world is going to end!” - The anxiety queen πŸ˜‘

For those who are naturally anxious, this can be a really tough time. They’re paranoid about everything, and they follow fatalism like a religion. 

4. “The Earth is healing...” - The Social media philosopher - motivatorπŸ’¬

No matter what one may say, I have tremendous respect for people who google "inspirational quotes", then diligently scroll down tens of pages till they unearth what might seem to be a novel piece of wisdom. Will they ever unearth some real wisdom though?

5. “What? It’s Only 3pm?” - The nap junkie😴

They don’t know what day it is, what time it is … they probably won’t even know when the lockdown is over. Why? They’re busy sleeping! If you texted them at 1pm, probably you will get a reply by 1 am; am or pm, doesn't matters for them!

6. “I thought working from home will be fun…” - The WFH lover-turned-haterπŸ‘Ί 

Let me get this straight … until last march, you went to work at 9, came home at 6, and that was that. Yet, ever since working from home has become an option, why does it take 17 hours to do 7 hours of work? What if you had to take your laptop along with you while brushing,cooking, purchasing etc etc....

7.“Lemme post this video” - The Instagram addict😁 

If you’re scrolling through Instagram as often as we are, you’ll realise how often people have been posting Insta stories. From unboxing lipsticks to garam masala packages -- we’ve seen it all! 

8. “Maintain a distance of 10ft, please!” - The worrierπŸ’‚

While we may laugh away the worriers and the hypochondriacs amidst us, it can get tedious living with one. No, coronavirus does not spread from the neighbour's window! Neither is it necessary to go through two bottles of sanitizer every day. Common sense, basic hygiene, and awareness are all we need!

9.“I’m trying something new today, you have to eat!” - The cook πŸ˜‡

“The milk turned bad … should I try to make dahi?” I put sugar instead of salt, oh that's okay, lets have a variety dish for today's lunch! While we all have our guilty pleasures and creative pursuits, the ones who are over enthusiastic about their culinary (mis) adventures are borderline risky for the whole family. 

10. “I’ve watched almost every single show!” - High on Netflix/TelegramπŸ‘Œ

A Japanese documentary, a Spanish web series, or a Tamil thriller, I'll watch it all! Cinephiles rarely need an excuse to stay locked in their rooms. Well, now they have one and Netflix better be ready to handle the surge of viewers watching their content.

11. "See my transformation, simply wow" - The Fitness JunkieπŸ’ƒ

Before Lockdown, this fitness fanatic was just a normal person like you and me. However, they took the opportunity presented by quarantine to go on a journey of self-improvement and are now immensely smug because of it. How do we know? Only thanks to their endless recommendations of workout gurus on YouTube. That or their constant Instagram stories, showing off their toned stomachs, bulging biceps etc....

With all respect - THE KEY WORKER

Ranging across all sectors from delivery to care, the key workers are all undeniable heroes. These people can be found selflessly manning the front lines in hospitals and care homes, driving refuse collection vehicles and delivery vans, teaching children of other key workers, and scanning items and stocking shelves in the supermarket. We owe everything to these absolute legends, so from all of us, from the readers and me,  we say a huge THANK YOU.

Finally, whats your title???πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ Comment me !

All jokes aside, whichever of these people you have found yourself to be, it is so impressive that we have all found ways to keep going during this difficult time. We have each played our part in saving lives, and for that we should be really proud.

Solicitation: Dear readers, your feedback is necessary for us to improve. Looking forward for your valuable comments and feedback.😍😍


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