People Pleaser

Yes, you are kind and respectful to others. Yes, you care about their feeling. Yes, you try to make them happy with your efforts. There is nothing bad in it. . But what if your this habit becomes obsession. And that destroys your own self-esteem and mental health. Starting from frustration, to feeling helpless in expressing on thoughts and opinion. It all happens when you ignore your own happiness for people. Be kind always to people but not at cost of your own self-esteem. Set boundaries and stick to them, that's a fair deal. Moreover, you don't need to prove your worthiness to every person. We can't satisfy all of them. So it's good to set the boundaries and never drop the head.

Types of people in your WhatsApp Groups

 Ahhh Whatsapp. How on Earth did social groups get by before this marvel of communication? 
Most of us belong to at least one group, usually falling into the fairly standard categories of 'Family', 'Friends' and the dreaded 'Work' chat. Then these usually get split into even more sub-categories, such as 'Brother Only', "Cousinz Underworld" etc etc...

We all have a role to play in these group chats, from the person who thinks they're funnier than they actually are (we don't wish that curse on anyone), to the creeper in the background who hasn't actually participate in the chat, eh, ever.

Lets check out different types of people you will find on each whatsapp groups

1. The invisible lurker 

They read everything – you know they do, you can see those little blue ticks, yet they NEVER REPLY. 
They probably register their opinions onto their own mind and think like "why should I reply?"
Why bother? 

2. The person who keeps leaving

They get fed up of the constant notifications, so instead of just pressing 'mute' they leave the group altogether. Which would be fine if you didn't have to add them back every single time they do it. Other group members just see on their whatsapp group screen "......... left". Nobody knows the reason for their leaving, sometimes the person himself doesn't know the reason why he left the group.

3. The inappropriate video lover 

"Guys you're gonna love this ahahah LOL". AKA not lol. This person won't be visible in group discussions but his existence would be understood through random forward videos and links.
4. The chat whore

They just have so many friends and are in SO many groups, and you won't be able to forget it thanks to the constant "ooops sorry wrong chat" messages they send. 
We get it, you're great.

5. The plan maker

Fair play to the valiant plan makers. They try and  try to organise a reunion or some sort of evening get together, and it's not easy when everyone has different schedules. 
But does it really works? Probably not. Eventhough the attempt was a failure, they keep on planning, planning, planning for rest of the time as usual.

6. The plan destroyer

They instantly shut down any mention of meeting up. Either they're
 A) too busy with work, 
B) already have plans, or 
C) sick, the plan destroyer will put a downer on any occasion.

7. The meme obsessive

They sincerely think that memes are God's gift to the world. Which in fairness, they often are. Lucky is the group that has a meme obsessive who actually shares funny ones. 

8. The grammar nerd

Look, sometimes we have to write on the go okay? That means there may be spelling mistakes – get over it. The grammar nerd just can't help themselves to correct your typo though. They won't spare you without correcting your unintentional grammatical mistake. 

9. The one word replier

Are they so bored by the group conversation that all they can muster is a "ye" or "no"? Congratulations on being the proud owner of a monosyllabic mate. Maybe one day they'll surprise us all and actually offer up a full sentence.

10. The name changer

Because is it even a funny group chat if it doesn't have a comical name? God help the group who has an admin constantly changing the name to keep up with the latest inside jokes. 

11. The emoji communicator

We love emojis, we really do, but sometimes they can't say it all. Sure a thumbs up is all well and good, but a shy monkey face when asked what you're doing tonight? Tells us literally ZERO.

12. The one who loves their own voice

This person hate typing. Keep on sending voice messages instead of replying s simple word "yes". Most importantly, after sending a voice message, this person keep on listening to his own voice and judge it in different unnecessary ways for no reason; just for fun.


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