
Showing posts from December, 2020

People Pleaser

Yes, you are kind and respectful to others. Yes, you care about their feeling. Yes, you try to make them happy with your efforts. There is nothing bad in it. . But what if your this habit becomes obsession. And that destroys your own self-esteem and mental health. Starting from frustration, to feeling helpless in expressing on thoughts and opinion. It all happens when you ignore your own happiness for people. Be kind always to people but not at cost of your own self-esteem. Set boundaries and stick to them, that's a fair deal. Moreover, you don't need to prove your worthiness to every person. We can't satisfy all of them. So it's good to set the boundaries and never drop the head.

2020 Lessons

The year 2020 was difficult for all of us, and we have seen many ups and downs in the first half year itself. We have been going through Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic because of which we were locked in our homes. All the things like work, gym, mall, society around which our lives revolved seems us now so temporary. It has taught us that, at last, our home and valuable relationships are with us in every situation which keeps us safe. We all have learned something in a good or a bad way from this year. Value Relationships Treasure your loved ones a little more every day, hug them a bit tighter, talk to them for longer as you never know when is the last time you are doing so. In this pandemic situation, we have realized our lives and lives of our loved ones is the only treasure we have. As the people you give and receive energy from are very important which affects your mental state directly. Though we cannot meet our loved ones and have to maintain “social distancing” in this situation...

Dear Ambiverts

 Here’s to the ones who can't stop talking to their friend, but go quiet when a new person shows up and they just stand there awkwardly.  On some days, you are a social butterfly, forcing your friends to 'go out.' and on others, you are the one canceling the plans because mom said 'no.' Sometimes, you need people around you. and then there are days when you just want to be left alone with netflix, and a packet of popcorn. People think that you are this 'calm' and 'composed' person. well, the joke's on them. those who think this way haven't met your best friend yet, clearly. You are a hopeless romantic when it comes to relationships and you really do not understand how casual flings actually work. you love conversations in which you can get lost. You don't stop talking when you're comfortable or you won't speak up at all. life has been pretty weird for you, hasn't it? You aren't a part of that 'cool' squad of your c...

Santa is You !

 Merry Christmas to the odd ones. To the weird ones. To the not-so-social ones. To the ones who are snuggled inside a blanket listening to not-so-popular songs. To the ones who are a little sad. To the ones who want Hope to be there at the end of the tunnel. To the ones who didn't get a piece of cake to eat.  Santa is coming for you. Dressed in red with a bag full of gifts. And hugs full of warmth. Till then, get a warm cup of soup and take a sip. You will feel the happiness and warmth trickling inside you. This year was rough, and all of it is almost over. You made it. Pick up your phone. Call the friend who you haven't talked to in a year. You will hear the nostalgia in every syllable that comes out of his/her mouth. Wish the girl/boy you have always wanted to talk to. Talk about his/her favourite TV Show. Talk about how his/her favourite character says his/her favourite line. Talk about things you love, talk about things you don't know about, but - talk. When all of this...

Dear old friend

Why did we stop talking? Was it because I didn’t call you first? Or was it because we stopped being active on Facebook? Or was it the fact that you moved to a different city for your college? I thought that our friendship was gonna last forever. Do you remember our last school trip? Do you remember our long phone calls during our board exams? Both of us were so scared. Both of us were so worried. I have faded memories of all those conversations. I liked talking to you. I wonder why we stopped talking? Remember when we were in sixth grade, all my “letter to a friend” used to be addressed to you and you wrote the letters to me. We’d sit next to each other, and laugh whenever the teacher would turn to write on the blackboard. Those were the days ! Look, I get it. People get busy in their lives. People meet new people and life just happens. It’s not that I think about you a lot, its just that on some days you pop in my head and I feel sad because we don’t talk anymore. To be honest, ...

Inner Circle

 There are only a few people who will cook Maggi for you at 2 am. There are only a few people who will stay up till 2 am to teach you, a night before the exam. There are only a few people who will give you their clothes even when they know that you are never gonna return them. They are your team. Your inner circle. They are the ones who can fix you just by their conversations. But they are also the ones who will make fun of you. They are the ones who will make weird-ass inside jokes on you. There are only a few people who can embarrass you in public - and they are one of them. They are the ones who laugh at you. They are also the ones who laugh with you. They are the ones with whom you lose track of time whenever you are talking to them. They are the ones who are in all your 'crazy' stories. There are only a few people who will look right past your 'I'm fine.' They will know exactly what's up with you, even when you'd be doing your best to hide your actual m...

Good Byes

 I am too good at goodbyes or one could say am not so good at goodbyes............. I don't remember the last time I cried at goodbyes.................   I often wonder though, what would happen if I held onto little more? Hugged a little longer, watched them vanish round the corner. I think of all these people I have loved and let go off, sometimes temporarily, most permanently, and wonder what would happen if this distance and time gap was taken away? Will the "us" be just as good? I think it worried me what if this goodbyes become a mark on me. Or maybe I was too consumed by my next destination. They say this destination syndromes what cause to have very little memories. I don't have memories of most of my farewells. I hardly remember my last days. And for the people who had left me for good, I don't go back to them, because I often don't have clear memories of them. I also can't hold grudges because I can't remember for shit ! But for the people I ...

I've learned

 If I've learned anything from this life, it's that sometimes the darkest times can bring us to the brightest places. I've learned that the most toxic people can teach us the most important lessons; the most painful struggles can grant us the most necessary growth; and that heartbreaking losses of friendship and love can make room for the most wonderful people. I've learned that what seems like a curse in the moment can actually be a blessing later, and what that seems like the end of the road is actually just the discovery that we are meant to travel down a different path.  I've learned that no matter how difficult things seem, there is always hope. And I've learned that no matter how powerless we feel or how horrible things seem, we can't give up. And I've learned that we can't always please everyone; if they are meant to stay with us, they will definitely, no matter what happens in between. I've learned not to trust everyone around; they may l...