People Pleaser

Yes, you are kind and respectful to others. Yes, you care about their feeling. Yes, you try to make them happy with your efforts. There is nothing bad in it. . But what if your this habit becomes obsession. And that destroys your own self-esteem and mental health. Starting from frustration, to feeling helpless in expressing on thoughts and opinion. It all happens when you ignore your own happiness for people. Be kind always to people but not at cost of your own self-esteem. Set boundaries and stick to them, that's a fair deal. Moreover, you don't need to prove your worthiness to every person. We can't satisfy all of them. So it's good to set the boundaries and never drop the head.

Be Gentle to Others

 First thing first, we all do pass some kind of remarks to xyz person. Many of us do have that hidden judge inside which could awake any moment when it comes to make a judgment (about others).

But the thing to be notice is, do you know the whole story? most cases obviously not. Yelling and shouting at some random person without knowing the conditions he/she have been in the past or present. Without thinking a second and ignoring him/her to the extent of feeling alien, playing with his/her emotions and those creepy remarks.

The his/her part of the story could be scary, could be rough and may be you're doing nothing good but just adding more to the fuel. I feel it's time that you should understand this fact and be kind(without any reason). Let's have empathy and respect to all their struggles and stories they can't reveal in public. Let's have a society where patience prevail and no place for anger/judgement.


  1. Liked your words so much.. Love in simple words😍

  2. πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸ˜✌️✌️

  3. The simplest way to connect human heart is through love and compassion. Once we understand love..we start to live a life.πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ˜


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