People Pleaser

Yes, you are kind and respectful to others. Yes, you care about their feeling. Yes, you try to make them happy with your efforts. There is nothing bad in it. . But what if your this habit becomes obsession. And that destroys your own self-esteem and mental health. Starting from frustration, to feeling helpless in expressing on thoughts and opinion. It all happens when you ignore your own happiness for people. Be kind always to people but not at cost of your own self-esteem. Set boundaries and stick to them, that's a fair deal. Moreover, you don't need to prove your worthiness to every person. We can't satisfy all of them. So it's good to set the boundaries and never drop the head.

Say NO !

How often do you say NO to the things you don't actually want? Are you a silent - yet yelling acceptor? Okay so can we make saying "No" to plans normal. People do have their own comfort level while indulging in unanimous plans, whether it's a party or a trip. There are factors attached that need to have a green signal of my intuition before I say "Yes". After all, I have all the liberty to choose my own experiences and moments. And if something felt like a blockage then I have all the rights to drop the plan/idea.

People do have the right  to drop the plans and say "NO"

- If they don't feel comfortable with someone's presence.

- Don't judge them if they drop the plan because they don't want to deal with people and just need a peaceful time.

- They have priorities. Having a different plan for themselves shouldn't be judged.

- If they feel anxious with any environment or group of people then it's ok to say "No". How can you enjoy a moment which makes you anxious.

- Saying "No" when we are tired is totally justified. It's better to drop the plan than to ruin one's health.

- Well, some part of out life do work on intuitions. It's not necessary to have a reason for everything. Saying "No" because the intuitions tells it's best for us is still far good.

Share your own experiences and your own reasons for declining a plan


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