People Pleaser

Yes, you are kind and respectful to others. Yes, you care about their feeling. Yes, you try to make them happy with your efforts. There is nothing bad in it. . But what if your this habit becomes obsession. And that destroys your own self-esteem and mental health. Starting from frustration, to feeling helpless in expressing on thoughts and opinion. It all happens when you ignore your own happiness for people. Be kind always to people but not at cost of your own self-esteem. Set boundaries and stick to them, that's a fair deal. Moreover, you don't need to prove your worthiness to every person. We can't satisfy all of them. So it's good to set the boundaries and never drop the head.

What others will say!!!!

The title line haunts many of us and it's pretty obvious too, because nobody wants to look bad. But it's also true that the line creates self-doubt and restrict us to make strong decisions. Eventually we visualize an invisible cage or firewall around us.

Let's discuss how we can break this suffocating prison.

> Understand not everyone gonna like you. There would be people who will always find fault in whatever you do. So hold the anchor of life in your own hands and don't listen to unnecessary opinions.

> Filter is so important in life. Start filtering out bad people from your life. Spend time with people who don't judge you and accept you for what you're. This will create a positive atmosphere around you.

> Drop the idea of perfectionism. It's one of the biggest energy draining thing you could do.

> Live your life the way you want and not based on anyone else expectations. You aren't here to please somebody else's expectations or impress them.

> Taking advice from everyone is just a bad idea. Search out people who have some kinda experience in the field. Make good connections with them and take preliminary advice. But never forget your journey could be different from theirs.

> Remember you should be your biggest fan and friend. When there'll be nobody it would be only you helping yourself. So, it's important to know yourself well. Treat yourself like a friend and see the magic.

I know its not that easy to have a shift of thoughts. Sometimes those demotivating person might be an irreplaceable person in our life. Anyways its our life. We are responsible for making it beautiful. Live without doubts and live with happiness and peace. 


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